
Bryghten UP

Skin Lyghtening

Bryght Duo Kit

Each kit contains a continued daily use product to use at home. The Bryght Due Kit will enhance the skin’s radiance, suppress and prevent future hyperpigmentation. This natural plant-based products will only allow the Bryght Due Kit to return you to your natural skin tone without the risk of over lightening.

$120.00 (Full Kit)




This targeted fast-acting duo is designed to work together to correct uneven skin tone, discoloration, and diminish the appearance of hyperpigmentation. Can be used anywhere externally of the body including intimate and delicate areas with disturbing the natural PH. PH Balanced to 4.7.

$70 (Per Area)


*May extend listed times

Before and After

Additional Information

For more information about this amazing product, please visit their web page at

Fluid Energies Inc.

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777 W 27th Street Yuma, AZ 85364